
03 October 2014

DIY Witch Hat

Merry meet,

I'm so excited for the holiday's approaching us and hope to inspire and get you excited. This month I will be doing a lot of costume tutorials and DIY, so you too can get crafty. I was inspired to make a 'Witch Hat' after seeing Delia Creates tutorial. Check out her page; she has awesome tutorials, especially for crafty mommy's. This DIY is great for adults or kids and is very affordable and fun to make.

Cardboard Box
2 Soft Black Felt Sheet
Hard Black Felt Sheet
Black Ribbon
Feather and Spiders for decorating

Grab an object with a round shape to trace around the cardboard box. 
This will be the base of the hat, so you have to make sure it's not to big or small.

Cut a round shape on the soft felt sheet. Make sure the diameter is bigger.
Hot glue it onto the cardboard piece

Cover the back piece with the other piece of soft felt. This one can be the same size as the cardboard. 
I only had one soft felt sheet, so I used the scraps from it in order to cover it.

Grab the hard felt sheet and for it so it forms a 3-D cone. Cut of the extra scrap and hot glue it together, so that it closes.

Cut off the extra scrap on the bottom. I kept cutting off the bottom piece until it was the hight I wanted.

Hot glue it onto the base

Hot glue ribbon on the bottom side of the base -- this will be used to tie it around your face. 
Decorate with feathers and spiders.

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